COVID-19 related protective measures
Caring for your health and well-being has always been and is now more than ever our absolute priority. We can assure you that we are welcoming you under prevention and social distancing conditions that are aligned with the governmental health requirements and regulations in order to provide you with the best possible protection. Our teams are working closely with doctors from our sister company Swiss Medical Network in order to ensure constant vigilance within our establishments as well as implementation and follow-up of all regulations and advice issued by public health authorities.
Before and during your arrival
- Request for documents by email to be filled in and thus facilitate the check-in procedure
- Check-in directly in the room
Throughout the establishments
- Thorough training of each staff member with regards to preventive measures and compliance with health regulations in the workplace
- Systematic temperature checks of all employees at the beginning of each shift.
- Mask-wearing mandatory for all employees and all guests (except when the latter are in their
- Hand-sanitizer dispensers available in all areas open to the public and in all staff areas
- Minimum distance maintained during each interaction
- Regular disinfection of common areas following a strict protocol and using certified equipment and products
- Re-organization of customer and employee traffic flows
In the restaurants and bars
- Hand sanitizer available at the entrance
- Required minimum distance maintained between tables
- Option of viewing the menu via the QR code on the table
- Printed laminated menus available on request (disinfected after each use)
- Guests served only when seated at their respective tables
- Furniture systematically disinfected between each service
In rooms and suites
- Provision of a sanitary kit with mask and hand sanitizer in your room upon your arrival
- No contact with or handling of guests’ personal belongings
- Daily disinfection of the rooms following a strict protocol and using certified equipment and products
Room service
- Menu available exclusively via the in-room TV
- Orders taken by phone
- Room service delivery information provided when the order is taken
Inside the spas
- Disinfection of treatment rooms and fitness equipment after each use in accordance with a strict protocol and using certified equipment and products
- Staff hand-washing in front of clients
- Brochure made available via a QR code